Added SNDK last week. Stock was priced fo r a big qtr. going into recent earnings. Had a good qtr., but was not good enough to retain momentum. At this point the stock looks like it has sold off more than enough to reflect results. Quite a few catalysts here and I view concerns of Zune competion are largely overdone.
The gadget Xmas season will be strong, Zune will have little to no effect on SNDK prdts and the benefits of merged FLSH will show up in 2007 results.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
SNDK selling looks overdone.
Posted by
8:22 PM
Internet Video Ramp...
Video over internet is on the rise everywhere and the Goog/YouTube combo will be one of the big 3 for internet distribution. Hard to say if they'll be numero uno, but they have a chance. Just guessing that they will be number 1 in turning their content into real Rev's for themselves and distribution partners. YHOO is in this game pretty well(good position in news feeds). AAPL in the game as well. If we can get some kind of AAPL/GOOG deal down the road then GOOG and their distr. partners should get a firm number 1 position. This would be in the form of a tie-in to podcasting from GOOG properties and a direct feed from a GOOG search to Ipod/Itunes linkup. The new ITV product could be a huge for this as well and allow GOOG/YouTube video search feeds to be readily streamed or moved for viewing on TV's. I would be surprised if something like this isn't in the works already.
Long GOOG YHOO and wanting some kind of 10%+ pullback to put reload some AAPL again.
Posted by
7:57 PM